Mr. Robot Wallpapers

These are the recreated wallpapers we can see in the Mr. Robot. The collection is not perfect however we’re looking forward for your help. We want to add more wallpapers so we can complete this collection. If you’re a Mr. Robot fan, you’re at the right place. Now you can use the same wallpapers that the characters do in the show. If you own an older Samsung Galaxy phone, you might even recreate the look.
Elliot’s Phone Wallpaper
So here you have Elliot’s phone and his wallpaper. I need to say that this is a classic old material design wallpaper. It’s not my taste anymore; however, I believe that there are a lot of Elliot’s fans who will rock this wallpaper with pride. Let us know if you’re a big Elliot’s fan in the comments below. I can tell for myself that I’m a huge fan; however, I think he should visit Zheano Blog and get some fresh wallpapers.
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I can’t say what phone he uses, but it seems that most of the characters in the show use a Samsung or an iPhone. Elliot uses a Samsung phone, probably with some security apps. One of them is Signal, a secure messaging app. I’m not going to review Signal here; however, I might add in the future. Let me know if you would want that in the comment below.
Dom’s Phone Wallpaper
Dominique DiPierro, an FBI agent, is probably one of my favourite characters in Mr. Robot. I’m sure there are tons of fans who like Dom so here’s her wallpaper. This wallpaper is just as simple and has those old Material Design vibes. It’s nothing special; however, I believe that Mr. Robot fans will like this one just as well as Elliot’s one. Make sure to click the link below to download both in 4K resolution.
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She is using an old Samsung smartphone. I can’t say which one exactly, but I think it could be a Galaxy S4 or S5. I’m not sure however I’m sure there are some trivia’s that can answer this question. Let us know if you know what phone is Dom using in the comments below.
The design of these wallpapers is nothing special; I wouldn’t make them if they wouldn’t appear in the Mr. Robot. I love this show, so I thought this might be a cool idea. I’m sure that there aren’t going to be many setups with them; however, I believe that a lot of Mr. Robot fans will enjoy them quite a lot. In my opinion, these wallpapers look like old Material Design wallpapers. I’ve used Material Designed colours and other elements to make them look as similar as possible to the wallpapers we can see in the show.
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Want To Catch These Scenes?
You can find both of these two wallpapers in episode 5 of the 4th season. The other pictures for the promotional material are also taken from there and are owned by the USA network. Please, if you have any problems with that, contact us, and we will remove them.
Zheano Letter Exclusives
Here is just one of the exclusive Mr. Robot wallpapers that’s coming in the next Zheano Letter. Make sure to subscribe today for free. We only send the best exclusive content to our hundreds of subscribers. Be part of Zheano Blog and subscribe to Zheano Letter for free.

I love the idea of this post, and I hope that in the future I will come with more ideas like this. I hope that I made at least one fan of Mr. Robot happy. If that’s, you make sure to comment below which wallpaper are you using. Let me know what do you think about posts like this in the comments below. Your feedback means a lot, and we’re continually trying to improve this blog. Thank you!