Geto – Wallpapers

There’re four different wallpapers available for you this week! I have a lot of fun making these wallpapers but I have some problems with them. They are more like illustrations than wallpapers since they won’t fit well as wallpaper. You can try them out and you will see the issue that I’m talking about. Using this wallpaper makes your icons bearly visible and it’s really annoying. As much as I’m a fan of these wallpapers I also don’t like them! I’m sure that they will fit well as computer wallpaper. If you want you can download them from the link below. I also need to tell you that I’m not going to publish any new updates next week and the next weekend wallpapers are going to be delayed until next Monday. That’s because I’m on a 7 days trip in mountains. I hope you understand that! Have a nice day!
Download wallpapers here:
Download wallpapers here: