Minn – Wallpaper

I totally didn’t have time to post a new wallpaper previews weekend since I was in Ibiza. Well if you want to learn more about that island make sure to Google it. By the way, it was really awesome, windy and hot! I really enjoyed it! While I was there I took 500 photos. Most of them are crap but this one (and few others) are pretty nice for a simple wallpaper. I know that many of you enjoy simple and minimalistic photography so I decided to post this wallpaper here. Once I edit other photos I might update the post and add new wallpapers so make sure to check it back once in a while or follow my social media. I’m probably not going to post any photography wallpapers anytime soon but I will keep in mind if you are going to like it or not.
Download wallpaper here:Β https://goo.gl/7zbYUN
Β (recommended – it’s free and supports the blog by sharing to your favorite social media)
Download wallpaper here:Β https://goo.gl/7zbYUN