Welcome to Zheano Blog

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Welcome to Zheano Blog, a new redefined vision of what this blog is going to be. In this post, I’m going to explain what’s new and what is going to be the future of Zheano Blog. I think I have some great ideas and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

A New Design

There are a bunch of new things that I have decided to change. Firstly, the blog is now running on a new lightweight theme. I am sure that is excellent news for everyone since it will load faster and use less data than before. Secondly, I have taken some time and decided to redesign the Zheano Blog logo; now it looks cleaner. With the new logo, there’s also a new colour palette that I am sure you have already seen all over the blog.
Last but not least we decided to remove all ads from the blog, and there is no sidebar with distracting content. With this new update, Justin and I have been working hard to provide the best experience for the reader by removing some distractions and unnecessary elements. To conclude I am sure that some of you will take some time to adjust to the new look, but you will start to enjoy it sooner or later.

Restructuring Some Sections

Zheano Blog Hub, a new section that I have been testing for over a year now. It’s been in the beta for some beta testers a while ago and it is finally coming to Zheano Blog. Hub is the new section that is going to be focused on the content of other creators that I like. For example, if I watch a YouTube video that I really like and find some awesome new icon pack or wallpaper that I love to use I will share those things in a post for everyone to enjoy. I think this is a great way to give my readers some more recommendations about the content/apps that I like since I always love such recommendations.

My Experience is also a totally new section on Zheano Blog where I’m going to post my experience with technology, pretty self-explanatory, right? It is mostly going to be articles about how I use a particular technology. This section will also have some sub-sections for small new series and projects that I would like to talk about.

Lovely Apps is a well-established section on Zheano Blog and I will continue to write reviews of some apps that I enjoy but I would focus more on writing about how I use a certain app or service, that’s why you will see more posts (even with apps) in the My Experience section of the blog.

Community People is just a rename from Comunity Guys, a name that I didn’t like from the beginning. So it is going to stay the same in terms of content. If I found someone who I think does an amazing job in the tech/designer community I will interview him/her. I can’t wait to learn more about different people from this amazing community.

Wallpapers, probably one of the most liked section of the blog is going to stay just the way it is. I will post new wallpapers that I designed myself. New wallpapers are going to come when they are ready but for now, I will keep reposting old “exclusive” wallpapers that aren’t accessible since Zheano Blog doesn’t have account feature anymore.

Core Content

For so long Zheano Blog has been a place to find amazing wallpapers, community interviews and awesome people in the comment section and I hope we will be able to provide that in the future. Probably one of the most asked questions is whether to expect new wallpapers in future posts, and the answer is yes, but there is more to it. Wallpapers are fun to design but over the years I started to feel burned out, I can say that wallpapers are still going to play a big part in Zheano Blog’s future, but I want to bring more to the table. I will try my best to write more in-depth articles about technology and my personal experience with it. Since the last time I posted here, I have read a lot of books about different topics, and I also had set a lot of personal experiments that I think could be quite interesting to write about. I would love to write some quality articles that are also going to be useful and provide higher value to my readers.

Where have I been?

That’s a good question and here are a few things I have been doing in the meanwhile. Since December of 2018, I didn’t post anything, and some people started questioning about what’s going to happen to Zheano Blog. At the time I didn’t have the energy nor I was ready to create new content, I was burned out. After so many years of designing, collaborating, having fun and working hard I burned out. Since I had so many things going on in my life dealing with University, family and personal issues I couldn’t continue publishing new content. I decided to take a break and focus on fixing some of the problems in real life before returning to the internet. I am better now, and I have finally found some extra time and energy to start producing new content.

Changes and privacy

I already talked about the redesign of Zheano Blog, but with the new look, I also decided to remove and change some sections. I have cleaned up plugins and only keeping the bare minimum for the blog to function correctly. I have also removed and deleted data of almost six thousand users. I am going to repost most of the “premium” content in the following months. I have also decided to remove all ads from Zheano Blog which is sure a welcome change to many of you. Here at Zheano Blog, we have always valued your privacy, and we will continue to do so in the future. Learn more about our privacy practices here.

To conclude this, I would like to say that I am going to work hard to provide some mindful and useful content to everyone interested in technology. I think I have a lot of things to write about, but I will post new articles when they are ready, no more rushing and posting half-written ideas. To never miss a new article make sure to turn on the notifications for this blog, thank you.

Big thanks to Justin Kruit for continues support over the years, he also has a new website that you should check out here.

I wish you all to have a fantastic day!

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