Lovely Apps – New Section
Welcome to Lovely Apps. This is a new ”show” on Zheano Blog where I’m going to talk about different apps that I enjoy or newly discover. It’s going to be based mostly on icon packs and apps that I might discover during the week. If you are still curious how will this look like, don’t worry, first article is going to be available soon. I think I will talk about some really interesting apps that have been available for a while or about some new apps that just came out. I think this topic called Lovely Apps won’t be app reviews or anything like that. I’m going to talk about how I use the app and what do I think about it. Of course, I will try to create and post some interesting pictures since that’s really important part of icon packs for example.
This section is going to come out every week if everything goes well. I hope that you understand that I might have some school-related work or I just wouldn’t find anything interesting to talk about. So here it goes another point, I won’t write about something I don’t enjoy. That’s really important for me so you shouldn’t be scared about promoted content or anything like that. If an offer comes by I will, of course, write something about it but only if I’m going to enjoy the app.
It could be really interesting to get some other people to talk about their experience with different apps here on Lovely Apps. In the future, there may be some new content creators on Zheano Blog, but for starters, I think having a guest here and there can be a great thing! Do you want to be our first guest on Lovely Apps? Contact me ([email protected] or Twitter).
This new segment on Zheano Blog can really bring more value to it. I like producing content and even though I know I’m not the best writer I can bring a lot of value. I want to continue producing more different content for Zheano Blog but don’t worry weekly wallpapers and its exclusive updates are still going to be a thing.
So here’s also a logo for this new segment. I know it looks very minimalistic but I like it. Let me know what do you think about this new segment in the comment section below! I would love to hear your feedback! A lot of new and interesting things is going to happen to Zheano Blog in the next couple of months so keep an eye on it!