Suni Wallpapers

When we design wallpapers, we always want to bring the best experience to our users. Suni isn’t just the best experience; it’s a story that tells itself every time you look at it. It is incredible what the right color combination and simple lines can do to your well being. Suni is a next generation of wallpapers and let me explain why.

Since I went to university in October, I have been dealing with anxiety and other issues. Besides that, it has been one of the best experiences of my life. I learned a LOT and met some awesome people. Because of my problems, I tried a lot of things from meditation to daily sports activity. Some things helped some didn’t; however, I realized that it is crucial to stray calm even in stressful situations.

I don’t have scientific proof, but I’ve been testing different shapes and colors for a while now, and with the right combination of both I designed those two wallpapers.
Both have great colorful pallet and smooth lines to make you feel just like home. Maybe it won’t affect your well being, but I would love to see people try them and give me feedback about how you feel after a few days. You can write about your experience in the comment section below.
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Suni wallpapers aren’t that special, and it might be just a placebo effect. However, it is helping me stay more relaxed while looking at my phone. I believe it is a combination of clean colors and shadows.
I will try to make more wallpapers like this one in the future, but even with such simple design, it takes a lot of time to test and improve the wallpapers before the final release.

And here we come to Zheano Blog’s content lock. Like all artists, we believe that our work should be shared so others can enjoy it as well. Learn about content locking on Zheano Blog here.
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We believe in great designs. We’re sure that these wallpapers are now in the background of many smartphones all around the world. We’re proud of that and would like to thank this wonderful community for letting us make some fantastic content! Thank YOU!

Thank you for reading the post. Let us know what do you think in the comments below! ?οΈ