What’s On My Smartphone?

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My setup looks somewhat the same for quite some time. That’s because I like it this way and I feel like everything I need daily is there. I believe that it is crucial to learn how a person uses technology to his or her benefits. In this quick article, I will explain how I use my smartphone. I will also talk about social media and how I manage it.

Only Essentials

I have been practicing this for some time, and I can say it can be extremely beneficial. On my phone (and most of my devices) I only keep apps that I find as extremely useful. I believe that only having apps that it can make me more productive. I can also concentrate and focus more easily since I don’t have any distracting apps.

Notifications Off

I know that I haven’t even talked about applications, but this is something that you can’t see from the setup and has a significant impact on how I use my device. I believe that I will give my friends and extra attention when I want too, and that’s the reason I have turned off the notifications. I’m sure that if something is urgent, they will call or send a text. One of the benefits of not having as many notifications is that you can use your phone when you want. I feel a lot better now, and I encourage others to try this. You don’t need to turn off every single app, start with Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat.


I’m sure that some of you might wonder where I get my wallpapers from. To be completely honest, most of the time, I test my own. Sometimes I use wallpapers from Unsplash or Abstruct app. Both of these platforms are great, and I like to have some good photos and abstract wallpapers. I change wallpapers pretty regularly, probably a few times per week. I’m continually looking for good wallpapers, and when I find some, I sometimes have it for a few weeks. This particular wallpaper is from my latest post here on Zheano Blog. You should check it out here and download it for free.


I like the stock feel, and that’s why I mostly use Pixel Launcher. I’ve tried other launchers, but I hate to lose some functionality and animations however I’m a big fan of icon packs.


This setup is relatively simple. I have the essential apps on my home screen. I might change this setup soon since I had it for some time now and I might want to make it even more efficient. I most of the time, I don’t change setups, and I keep it as it is also when I switch phones. The only widget I have is the stock one that comes with Pixel Launcher. It does its job, and I like having this clean look. Most of the time, I don’t use any additional widgets since I don’t want my home screen to feel cluttered.


Apps are probably the most exciting thing about setups. I need to disappoint you. As you can see, I don’t have many apps on my home screen or my phone. The ones I use the most are seen in the setup. So here there are.

Endel – I’ve written an article about Endel on Zheano Blog. I will recommend reading it if you want to learn more about this app. I love it, and I use it daily.

Pocket Casts – Is an excellent app for podcasts. I’ve been using it for quite some time, and I love that it’s available on iOS, Android, and web. I believe that’s important since I listen to podcasts via many different devices.

Google Drive – I use Google Drive as my primary cloud storage. I choose Drive since I have unlimited storage via my university account.

Keep Notes – Great app to keep all my notes synchronized. I love that it is available on multiple platforms so I can access my notes from almost everywhere.

Calculator – Well it comes handy from time to time. I use it at least once a week, and I believe it’s going to become essential when I go back to university in October.

Gmail – I don’t think this app needs any explanation. I like how it looks and feels.

Spotify – Is my streaming music service of choice. There’s nothing much to it.

Google Calendar – This is one of my most opened apps on my phone. I plan most of my things, and I put all of them into the Google Calendar. Again it is excellent since it synchronizes.

Clock – I use Clock to wake me up. As simple as that.

Google Play Store – I don’t use it daily; however, I like to keep it on my home screen.

And then the only app worth mentioning is Todoist.

Todoist – is a great to-do app I’ve been using for quite some time. I use it for all aspects of my life, and I would strongly suggest to anyone who wants to organize your experience further.


I love writing posts like this one, and I’m sure you learned a lot about my setup and how I use my smartphone. When somethings change, I would love to do an update on it. Let me know if you like this kind of posts. I might also do some Q&A in the future. I hope that with posts like this people, my readers will learn more about me. I had a lot of fun with this post, and I hope it brought some value. Stay tuned for more awesome content coming in the upcoming days.

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