Wallpaper Summer Week

Yes, you read it right. It’s a Wallpaper Summer Week! This is going to be a hub for Zheano Blog community! I will update this post every day with different content. You will get new wallpapers, new variants, new widgets from me and community, setups etc. Everyone can participate! If you have a widget, setup, wallpaper you want to share just contact me via Telegram or email me or comment below. I will post new stuff every day from Monday to Friday! Since it’s very hot summer here in Slovenia I will try to create refreshing wallpapers that will cool you down from high temperatures. This is something totally new so I don’t know if you guys are going to like it or not. Wallpapers are going to be available for everyone but Zheano Blog users might get some extra updates, more colors and additional widgets so make sure to register yourself here. So don’t forget to check out this post every single day from Monday to Friday to get new wallpapers, widgets and setup ideas from Zheano Blog community for free! Make sure to share this with your friends on your favorite social media! Thank you all for your awesome support and have a nice day!
It’s Monday, the first day of Wallpaper Summer Week. For start, I want to show some really nice setups that I received from you guys. All setups are having yesterday’s wallpapers and they all look really fresh and simple! The new wallpaper will come later today and I’m sure many of you will like it! Thank you to everyone who has been creating those setups! I will post more setups with other wallpapers tomorrow so keep checking this page out and also don’t forget that new wallpaper is dropping later today!
Setups by: Abdul Vadiwala, Sergio Ventura, Paul Vera
Click on the images for full resolution.
New wallpapers are up! Click the image below and download them for free!
It’s the second day of Wallpaper Summer Week! New wallpapers just dropped! Check them out by clicking the image below! Since itβs Wallpaper Summer Week you have an option to share your work and might get featured on Zheano Blog as a content creator! If you have wallpapers, widgets or just a setup send it to me! Learn more here!
Click the image for wallpapers.
It’s Wednesday, the third day of Wallpaper Summer Week! For the start, I would like to show you those three simple setups created by three really awesome guys on Twitter. They are using yesterdays and Monday’s wallpapers so setups look really fresh! Later today I will also post new wallpapers for you! Hope you have a nice day!
Setups by: Abdul Vadiwala, Paul Vera, Ahmad Ibrahim
Click on the images for full resolution.
New wallpapers are up! Click the image and download them for free!
Click on the image and download that wallpaper!
New wallpapers just dropped on Zheano Blog! Make sure to check them out! Click the image below and enjoy new content!
Click on the image and download that wallpaper!
Click on the image and learn more!